Healthy Eating Tips for Weight Loss

There's really no one size fits all approach to healthy eating and weight loss. We work with our patients to come up with general but indvidualized dietary recommendations based on goals, dietary restrictions, and constitution. If more complex and detailed dietary plans are needed, we would suggest seeing a nutritionist. Below are some very general eating tips that I may recommend for healthy eating when trying to lose weight.
- Eat whole, organic foods whenever possible. You should be able to identify where your food comes from (i.e. from a tree, from the ground, from the sea, etc.) Foods that are processed and unidentifiable are often high in sugar, preservatives, and chemicals. Non organic meats often come from animals that are fed hormones and antibiotics. They may be raised in cramped, stressful conditions that cause them to release stress hormones that you end up consuming. These can be detrimental to your health and can have disruptive effects on your own hormones, which can hurt your metabolism and cause your body to store fat! Pesticides used on produce may have harmful affects on your immune, reproductive, and nervous systems. Additionally, they may have cancer inducing effects.
- Drink plenty of room temperature water. Water is essential for bodily functions. It helps your body stay clean, hydrated, and keeps your digestion regular. A good tip for extra immune boosting and detoxifying benefits is to add a squeeze of lemon juice to your water. Lemon juice can also help the body process fats more efficiently. Try to drink most of your water between meals as drinking too much water at meal time can dilute digestive juices.
- Drink green tea. Green tea is a great substitute for coffee and gives you longer lasting energy without making you feel jittery. In addition to having a healthy dose of antioxidants, it can also help detoxify the body and boost metabolism. If you are sensitive to caffeine, be sure to drink decaffeinated green tea. Also, refrain from consuming caffeine too close to bed time.
- Refrain from eating too late or eating rich starchy foods at night. You should allow about 2 to 3 hours between your last meal and your bedtime in order to give your body time to digest the food. If you go to bed too soon after your meal, it can disrupt digestion and cause heartburn. Overly rich and starchy foods can interfere with your sleep and can also lead to the calories being stored as fat since they are not being used for fuel.
- Eliminate processed simple carbs. Examples of these are white flour, white sugar, white pasta, and white bread. These foods have very little nutritional value, will cause spikes in blood sugar level, and are highly caloric.Heavy fluctations in blood sugar levels can lead to low energy, increased food cravings, insulin resistance, and weight gain. To keep your blood sugar stable, be sure to include a lot of fiber, good fats, and protein in your diet.
- Use herbs and spices instead of table salt for taste. Many herbs can add nutritional value without effecting blood pressure and causing bloating the way table salt does. If you are to use salt, be sure to use the most non processed form of sea salt you can find. Natural sea salt has less chemicals and may contain minerals that can help boost an underactive thyroid. Remember, even with sea salt, moderation is key use salt sparingly and dont keep a salt shaker at the table.
- Savor your food by chewing it thoroughly. Not only does this enable you to fully enjoy the flavors of your food, but it also aids in the proper transport of nutrients to your body. The digestive process begins with chewing, and not chewing your food sufficiently can lead to bloating, heartburn, and other digestive upsets. Additionally, chewing your food thoroughly gives your brain time to register satiety, and can help prevent you from overeating.
- Include plenty of nutrient-rich high fiber foods in your diet. High fiber foods can help you feel full, reduce cholesterol, and prevent you from overeating. You should try to eat at least 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories consumed. For someone that consumes 2000 calories, that means at least 28 grams of fiber. Examples of nutritious fiber rich foods are apples, sweet potatoes, legumes, avocados, raspberries, oats, and barley.