Pain and Acupuncture

Pain and acpuncture

One reason for people to seek the services of an acupuncturist is for the treatment of pain.   Up to half of the patients that visit us at the clinic come due to some musculoskeletal pain complaint, namely shoulder/neck pain, back pain, hand/feet pain and headaches.… Read More >

Treating Inflammation with Acupuncture and Other Natural Methods

Acupuncture for Inflammation

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response to injury or invasion by what the body perceives as dangerous pathogens that can cause disease. While inflammation can be crucial to the body’s natural healing processes, prolonged or unnecessary inflammation can also wreak havoc on the body, leading to many maladies, such as chronic pain, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, auto-immune diseases, certain cancers, and many more.… Read More >

Acupuncture for Balanced Wellness has Moved!

Acupuncture for Balanced Wellness Treatment Room

We are excited to announce that our Chicago Loop acupuncture office has moved to our new permanent location at 223 W Jackson Blvd.  We will continue to offer acupuncture services by our highly skilled acupuncturists, Angie Ng and Michael Jamlang. Additionally, we will offer chiropractic and massage treatments by experienced and caring therapists.… Read More >